GitHub: Getting Started
strategy, creative direction, script, production, animation, technical assets
I use facilitation, coaching, data, and empathy to help sharpen different points of view into consensus and then work to help folks execute their collective plans together. I believe the best leaders are committed to serving others, promoting belonging, and creating engagement in what matters.
I'm an open-source veteran and dedicated community organizer. Having helped build global communities around popular projects such as Git and WordPress, I have spoken internationally on a myriad of topics including software licensing, collaboration, highly distributed teams, and many others. I'm still working on getting booked at my daughter's career day though.
For over twenty years, I have been building teams who create software, music, movies, campaigns, events, and everything in between—to tell emotionally engaging stories that bring people together. I thrive within constraints and seek out opportunities to create the things that others believe can't be done. I'm a self-taught expert at making mistakes, but I'm even better at learning from them.
Here are a few things I'm especially proud of. So many of these samples are the products of collaborative efforts with incredible folks whom I've had the privilege of working alongside. Where appropriate, I've noted my specific contributions to projects.
strategy, creative direction, script, production, animation, technical assets
story, script, technical assets
strategy, creative direction, script, production, animation, technical assets
story, script, technical assets
story, editing
strategy, creative direction, script, production, animation, technical assets
strategy, story, editing
strategy, creative direction, script, production, animation, technical assets
strategy, story, technical assets
strategy, creative direction, script, production, animation, technical assets
script, production, animation, technical assets
strategy, creative direction, script, production, animation, technical assets
strategy, creative direction, script, production, animation, technical assets
I challenge myself to learn new skills daily. These are a few areas of my expertise that I find myself tapping into most often to help creative teams produce the incredible work they have inside of them.
Drop me a line with the form below or send an email to info@loranallensmith.me.